Sunday, September 21, 2008

Microsoft Seinfeld v1.0

Had heard this was being produced. And I must say, I do like this trend where advertising is becoming entertainment, loosely based around a brand. Like the Cadbury's chocolate stuff from last year. And with the limitless media available online, you can get formats like this 4min 30sec piece from Microsoft.

So the model moves toward using traditional TV advertising just for short & focused teasers that lure the viewer online to experience the rest of the entertainment. Obviously TV itself is changing too, with more interactivity being available in the social atmosphere of the living room.

I see this stuff as being extremely positive for consumers. However, if TV advertising keeps getting less effective and revenues keep declining, how will good programming be paid for? Will everyone need to pay, or do we rely on the government initiatives like BBC, PBS or ABC? *eek*

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